TapeBasic-LED Flexible Lighting
Hera Lighting section index
Customizable Tape LED Lighting in Three Brightnesses
Hera's TapeBasic-LED lighting is optimal for projects requiring custom shapes and run lengths. TapeBasic-LED comes in multiple color temperatures and lumen outputs so it can be used in closets, under cabinets, in toe kicks, below breakfast bar overhangs and many other places in the home and commercial applications. Two of the versions are snap-fit connections, while the brightest is solder connections only. We will have a lot of additional notes lower on the page about things you need to know about TapeBasic.
Product Features:
- Self adhering, flexible 24 volt LED strip (3M peel and stick backer)
- Comes in 196" rolls only (5 meters long)
- Hera does allow the B1200 version to be ordered in pre-cut lengths with soldered power cord
- B300 and B600 versions are sold by the 196" coil only
- Available in 3 densities: B3 is 300 LED's/roll 20 watts total; B6 is 600 LED's/roll 40 watts total; and B12 is 1200 LED's/roll 80 watts total
- In our additional info lower on the page, we refer to the densities as B300, B600, B1200. Just easier for our writing.
- Available in 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, and 6500K
- Finish: white tape with exposed LED's (actually it looks like a very faint grey to us with square yellow LED diodes)
- Good CRI > 80, Efficacy > 90 lm/W
- Estimated 35,000 hours useable life
- To be used with PS24V constant voltage drivers (choices of 6W, 30W, 75W, and 96W)
Ordering Note:
We will have extensive info throughout the rest of this page because TapeBasic-LED has a little bit involved with each version. The B300 and B600 use the same snap-fit power leads, connecting cables, and direct connectors. But can be solder connected if you prefer. The B1200 must be solder connected and has a few rules associated with it, which we will outline. Whenever you have questions, please feel free to ask us.
TAPE B1200 (top), B600 (middle), B300 (bottom)

As shown directly above, the B1200 has 1200 diodes per 196" roll for a total of 80 watts per roll. It can be cut in 1" increments (25mm), the cut points are noted with the dotted line between the + and - sides of the current. Since the diodes are VERY CLOSE together at the cut points on the B1200, it is recommended to use a very sharp thin razor, and use caution. It could be easy to slip and cut into a diode, or yourself. Cutting at these points will expose the wiring and allow you to solder power cables or connecting cables to the two sides. The B1200 is 4.8 watts per foot, 432 lumen per foot.
The B600 and B300 have diodes spaced further apart. You can see the brown color ovals that you would cut down the middle when creating the lengths you need. Sharp scissors or a razor can be used. The B600 has 600 diodes per 196" coil and can be cut in 2" increments (50mm). The B600 is 2.4 watts per foot, 216 lumen per foot.
The B300 has 300 diodes per 196" coil, and can be cut in 4" increments (100mm). It is 1.2 watts per foot, 108 lumen per foot.
The brightness difference between each version can be viewed to the right, or below if on a smartphone.

Tape B300 and B600 part numbers, pricing, and related accessories

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera HER-TAPE/B3/196/3000 TapeBasic 300, 196" long coil, 20 watt total per coil, 3000K warm white, can be cut in 100mm intervals (4"), 108 Lm/ft
HER-TAPE/B3/196/4000 cool white 4000K
HER-TAPE/B3/196/4000 cool white 4000K

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera HER-TAPE/B6/196/3000 TapeBasic 600, 196" long coil, 40 watt total per coil, 3000K warm white, can be cut in 50mm intervals (2"), 216 Lm/ft
HER-TAPE/B6/196/4000 cool white 4000K
HER-TAPE/B6/196/4000 cool white 4000K

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera TAPE/B/PC79/N8 power cable 79" long for TapeBasic 300 and 600 versions only, snap fit connection

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera HER-TAPE/B/CC2/N8 connecting cable 2" long for TapeBasic 300 and 600, snap fit connection
Also: HER-TAPE/B/CC6/N8 6" cable,
and HER-TAPE/B/CC12/N8 12" cable.
Also: HER-TAPE/B/CC6/N8 6" cable,
and HER-TAPE/B/CC12/N8 12" cable.

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera TAPE/B/DC/N8 direct connector for TapeBasic 300 and 600, snap fit connection both directions
Ordering notes for Tape B300 and B600:
Order the number of coils you need for your application. B300 can be cut in 4" intervals and has MAXIMUM length allowed of 315" per power cord (TAPE/B/PC79/N8). Connecting cables or direct connectors can be used to mend shorter pieces together. The Tape lights can be applied on curved surfaces and has flexibility one way. If you need to turn on a flat surface you will need to cut the tape at an interval point and reconnect with a connector, or solder with a twin wire at 22 guage.The B600 can be cut in 2" intervals. All the same connecting cables, direct connector, and power cord are used as with the B300. The B600 has a MAXIMUM length allowed of 256" per power cord. So you could take a 196" piece and mend up to 60 more inches onto the same power lead from the driver. The PS24V/75/S 75 watt driver could handle the 256" of B600, and even a bit more on a second power lead. The 30 and 75 watt drivers have terminal blocks on them with 12 ports. So you can run multiple power cables from the same driver as long as you do not exceed the total wattage for a driver. Important to know for closet appications as you may choose to run Tape LED lights both vertically and horizontally in a closet. So multiple runs on the same driver are permissable. And mending part of another coil onto a full coil is also allowed with the maximum length allowed per power cord kept in mind.
For LED power drivers and dimming accessories, please go to this web page: Hera LED Power Drivers and Dimmers
Tape B1200 part numbers, pricing, and related accessories

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera HER-TAPE/B12/196/3000 TapeBasic 1200, 196" long coil, 80 watt total per coil, 3000K warm white, can be cut in 25mm intervals (1"), 432 Lm/ft, solder connection only
HER-TAPE/B12/196/4000 cool white 4000K
HER-TAPE/B12/196/4000 cool white 4000K

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera TAPE/B/PC79/ST 79" long power cord lead for TAPE Basic 1200, soldered connection only

Manufacturer: Hera Lighting
Hera TAPE/B/CC03/ST 3" long connecting cable for TAPE Basic 1200, soldered connection only
HER-TAPE/B/CC06/ST 6" long
HER-TAPE/B/CC12/ST 12" long
HER-TAPE/B/CC06/ST 6" long
HER-TAPE/B/CC12/ST 12" long
Ordering notes for Tape B1200 only:
Order the number of coils you need for your application. B1200 can be cut in 1" intervals. The MAXIMUM length allowed for the B1200 per one power cord is 147" or 60 watts. The B1200 is solder connections only, no snap-fit clips like on the B300 and B600. The power cord and connecting cables for the B1200 are 22 gauge wire. The tape is clearly marked with + and - signs down both side of the tape. There are many RULES about the B1200, and here we go.The 147" rule per power cord feed is related to 60 watts maximum load PER WIRE. The contact points where the wire is soldered are limited to 2.5 Amps. So you do not want to exceed 60 watts of the B1200 per power cord. If you are running a continuous run of the B1200, such as the full coil, there is a way around this. You would use a second power cable. You can keep a full uncut spool, and have a second power cable feed the + and - sides of the Tape a few inches or few feet further down. Best not to solder them to the exact same connection point due to potential heat build up. But soldering a second cable a few inches further down the line is just fine to have a continuous run over 147". The PS24V/96/DIM/S power driver is 96 watts and could power a full coil of the B1200 by using 2 power cords. Not too many applications will have need of such a long run. Most of the time you would have much shorter runs. But say you are doing the inside of a closet ceiling and following the corners (with a smooth radius bend) to the next wall. A 5' x 8' closet for instance would have a total perimeter of 26'. The 196" coil is 16 feet. You would need about 1-2/3 coils to rotate the full closet perimeter. Thus at least 2 power drivers and either 2 or 3 runs of the Tape on power cords as you follow your total distance.
Another important rule about the B1200, when you cut it, you just restricted yourself to a maximum of 98" per power cord. You CANNOT solder a small or long piece back onto the end after 98". So if you are placing cuts in it to turn corners or angles, your mended pieces have a total Tape length restriction of 98" per power cord. The 98" does not take the length of any connecting wires into that equation, just the Tape itself cannot go beyond 98". This is due to current and added resistance, and it is what the Hera engineers have said. I didn't make it up.
On the Tape power cable and connecting cables, they are twin wires, one side is red (positive) and the other side black (negative). Keep the polarity straight when soldering. For the connecting cables, if you want to use your own 22 gauge wire, you can. The power cord has a convenient connector on the end that snaps into the terminal blocks on the 30 and 75 watt drivers.
Hera notes in their catalog that pre-cut custom lengths of the TapeBasic B1200 can be ordered with pre-assembled power cords on them. The Tape of course would have to be requested in full inch increments. Technically the cuts are at 25mm. So if you ask for 88" for instance, it would be 2225mm or 87.6". We would have to request pricing from them for all custom length requests. If you know you will be using close to a full coil, probably best to order the full coil and solder yourself. Hera obviously will charge more per inch when they are doing the work for you. So it is good for short pieces, but when you need a lot, order it by the coil.
For LED power drivers and dimming accessories, please go to this web page: Hera LED Power Drivers and Dimmers
All the TapeBasic-LED varieties are dimmable. You might want to dim the B600 and B1200. On the B300, it is already low level lighting and not super bright. You may want to consider just using it at its normal full intensity. Dimming modules can be added at any time. The Tape just like Hera's other LED lights connects into the terminal block on the drivers. When setting up a dimmable system, the STICKPSDIM connects into the driver, and the lights connect into that dimming module. Real easy to sneak it in the middle after the fact if you want to. Then you have a dimming controller to control the STICKPSDIM. All LED dimming is done on the low voltage side. Note that you do not run a dimmer to an outlet and plug the driver into that outlet. It will not work. LED dimming is controlled from the low voltage side and you should use a 0-10 Volt dimmer.
Hera Lighting summary of cabinet and display light types:
LINEAR LED LIGHTS: ThinStick-LED | Stick3-LED | Stick2-LED | StickVE-LED | TwinStick2-LED | ELite-LED | ELite-LED XL | ELite-LED XL HO version
LED DRIVERS: LED Power Drivers, Dimmers, Switching Accessories, and Connecting Cables | New Daisy Drivers for LED Lights