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Cabinet Knobs and Drawer Pulls for your Kitchen and Bath

Eclectic-ware Cabinet Knobs and Pulls summary

A brief synopsis, very brief, of what each of our decorative hardware brands produces. Since several of the manufacturers that we represent have a wide range of knobs and pulls, it is difficult to summarize everything they make in one short paragraph or one picture. Many have collections that are completely unrelated to each other. They strive to offer so many choices to satisfy the style of your unique kitchen, bathroom, or closet and bedroom furniture.

Please use this page as a quick reference and to learn something about each brand. When going onto the summary pages for each brand, we have to pick one knob or pull as the intro picture for each collection. Many collections contain lots of different handle designs. So do not judge by just that one photo. Go onto the page to take a look at all the expanded choices. If your kitchen cabinets are knobless, consider what decorative knobs can do to make your doors look better. Placement is a key factor too, as well as size and color.

One of the simplest home improvement tasks people take on in their kitchen is changing out the old drawer knobs and cupboard handles. If you really want to get creative, check out our custom made 3D Laminate cabinet doors too.

If you have some specific questions about what you are looking for, you can try our search box at the top and bottom of all web pages. Or you can e-mail us too.
NEW! Sietto Decorative Cabinet Hardware is now our Premier Line of incredible cabinet knobs and drawer pulls. There is a LOT to see. Sietto has collections made entirely of metal, very stylish, modern, and fantastic choices for your kitchen and bathrooms. Great for living room and bedroom furniture too. They also have glass and metal combination handles. Their glass is illuminating. Some very colorful and many colors to choose from in knobs and pulls. Some is textured in a few different patterns. Too difficult to describe in one paragraph. You need to take a look!
This is where you will find Eclectic choices. Themes such as forest animal wildlife, nautical sail boats, canoes and canoe paddles, acorns, tree leaves, twigs, fish shaped handles, Southwest cowboy and Native American themes, and other fun shaped knobs. All available in 5 rustic finishes. BuckSnort also makes some matching doorbells and log shape house numbers.
One picture cannot possibly sum up what is available from Century Hardware. They have so many different styles of cabinet pulls and knobs that it is well worth your time to look at their collections. Many modern and traditional designs, many finish options, including some colorful finishes. Edge pull choices too. Check out the Century Hardware summary page for a lot more to see. We will be adding more to these collections soon.
Several design choices of cabinet handles and knobs made from Solid Surface materials such as Corian. A few available with metal accents and in multiple sizes.

Solid Brass and Solid Bronze cabinet knobs and drawer pulls. Realistic twig shaped handles in rustic finishes. Elegant line handles, cup pulls, and matching knobs in a large assortment of bright and rustic finishes. Schaub has a ton to offer. Because writing web pages is a long process, and even more so in our recent full website rewrite, we are showing just a few Schaub collections to get underway. As time permits, we plan to add a lot more to this section, because Schaub is huge. They have a lot of nice stuff and some pretty unbelievable items in Mother of Pearl and other rich finishes. Tune back in from time to time as we expand on it.
Two Siro Designs substitute handles. The 2-3/4" ctc popular choices in fine brushed nickel and matte black. In OUR stock.
Use the quick links on this page to help your find cabinet pulls of specific sizes to match your existing drilled holes. We have tried to summarize some of the more popular sizes current and past for a quick reference. Such as the popular 2-3/4" center to center size.
Siro Designs (on closeout)
Siro Designs was our largest manufacturer of modern, traditional, and whimsical cabinet door knobs and drawer pulls. But as of December, 2021, they have gone out of business. We have stock on what were many of the more popular handles and knobs. And we have streamlined the 70-something collections into about a dozen that we still have some stock. Each page will show the maximum qty on hand we have on the straggling items. All are still brand new in their polywrapped bags. We will continue to sell it until it is all gone.
Arthur Harris
Sad to say, in January of 2024 we had to remove Arthur Harris stainless steel handles from our website. They chose to discontinue their handle and knob line. They are still in business making stainless steel parts for toilets. But no more decorative cabinet hardware. This included the back-to-back handles that they use to make. Sorry, all gone. We have a few stray handles in our stock, very few. And we will add them onto our closeouts page eventually.
For the stainless steel handles that we have remaining in stock, please see our Siro Designs stainless steel pulls page.
One of our blog posts relating to selecting handles when you have pre-existing drilled screw holes.

More to come....
We certainly hope so. Since the year 2000 when we first made our on-line presence and started Eclectic-ware, we have seen several cabinet knob and pull manufacturers come and go. There are over a half dozen small companies that we watched go out of business. And there were a few that became so ridiculously priced that we just had to say goodbye.

We know of the Amerock, Belwith, Berenson, and Cliffside brands. We do not show those on our website. We know how popular they are, and when the giant warehouse stores buy them in such volume to offer them at such great pricing, best to go to the giant warehouse stores for those brands.

When it comes to Eclectic brands, and companies that make their cabinet pulls to order, the giant warehouse stores do not offer those. They want bar-coded, fast selling, low priced, and oftenly made in China kind of hardware. Eclectic-ware, however, is more than willing to offer some of the wild and crazy cabinet hardware. In today's custom kitchens, it is nice to have something different than just the standard selections from those big box stores. It will make your neighbors wonder where you got them too.

Note to Cabinet Knob and Drawer Pull Manufacturers

We are interested in re-expanding our lines of decorative hardware. We really miss having granite knobs and pulls, and a lot of the creative brands that we have lost over the years. Check back from time to time to see what may have been added. And if you are a cabinet hardware producer snooping on our website to see what we have and you believe what you make might be a good fit, please contact us. We are not interested in becoming an importer of hardware from China or India. Those companies can refrain from contacting us, we will ignore you. Our preference is to offer American or European produced hardware. So yes, if it says Made in the USA on it, definitely let us know about you. Doesn't hurt to try to spark our interest.
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