Wine Racks and Valances from Brushy Creek Doors
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Brushy Creek Wine Bottle Racks and Decorative Valances
To add more flair to that kitchen, as well as some storage function, beautiful wine bottle racks are available for your kitchen. They will be wrapped in matching 3D Laminates. Wine bottle racks provide the best storage for wine as the necks of the bottles always have a downward slope, thus keeping those corks moist on the inside. It is also a nice way to display wine. Commonly in restaurants, you see wine bottles stacked horizontally on top of each other. That is fine when all 20 or 30 bottles are the same bottle of wine. With wine racks with individual cubbies, bottles do not touch each other, and they are not 100% horizontal, the necks do drop down.
Then Valances are a nice touch for a bridge from upper cabinets to upper cabinets on the other side of the kitchen window. Valances are not super popular in kitchens, most probably do not have them. But valances do have a decorative and also a functional purpose. We have had many customers ask us how do they get extra light above the kitchen sink. During the daytime, the window provides it, as it seems incredibly popular to put the sink right in front of the kitchen window. But at night, it could be a darkened area of the kitchen. With a valance bridging the cabinets, and even converted to a cornice, you can mount under cabinet LED lights behind the valance to shine down on your workspace. It has been popular, and will continue to be popular. Focused, concentrated lighting, and hidden behind a valance, it certainly isn't great-grandma's kitchen anymore. Let's see a show of hands. Who remembers kitchens that had one globe light in the middle of the ceiling and that was it for kitchen lighting? Today it is a lot different with several different light controls to turn on what you want and what you do not need at the moment. Thus, here is our plug for the Hera Lighting and Hafele Loox lighting that we offer for kitchens.
The wine bottle racks:
- They do come in pairs, front and back pieces
- Bottle openings are 3-1/2"
- Minimum sizes are shown below, but you do order them in custom sizes to fit your opening
- The rails and syles (perimeter around the bottle openings) have a min. of 2" all the way around. Thus when ordering custom sizes larger than the minimum size, the rails and styles begin to become larger.
The grain for wood grain patterns will be VERTICAL by default. Thus, that corresponds with your doors. (If you need horizontal grain, you can request it.) For the most part, your wine bottle racks will take up a cabinet box position without doors. This is where you would commmonly fit in a wine bottle rack. They are also popular on islands or at the end of a breakfast bar too. They can be in an upper cabinet bank, or even a lower cabinet bank. It is advisable to not make them too big. As you add more wine bottles, you add more weight. The added weight will always push on the bottom layer or layers of bottles. So you do not want a bottle rack that holds 40 bottles. Better to use several smaller racks and distribute the weight amongst them.
When you install them, the back piece may need some framing on the inside of your cabinet box to attach it to. The front piece will generally sit behind your face frame and attach to it. Or you can frame out for the front piece to mount to also and even recess the full rack a little deeper within your cabinet. Remember, the bottle necks lay through the front piece. They most likely will extend 2 to 3" out the front of the rack. You may want to recess both pieces slightly deeper in your cabinet box rather than having the necks stick out too far. Personal preference again. You need to do it as you want to do it.
Valances: Flat, Arch, and Scalloped
Valances can be simple, such as the flat bottom. An Arch valance is a little nicer, but consider your kitchen. If you loaded it up with Shaker Style doors, why would you add an arch valance and start adding curves? So your door design and overall theme, may tell you something about which valance style is best. If you have raised panel doors and some are Arch top or Cathedral, then yes, an Arch or Scalloped valance would definitely be the right selection.
The Arch and Scalloped valances have curves cut into them with a height of 1-1/2" at the greastest height of the arch(es). Each has a 4" wide sqared off end to them. So as a valance gets wider (longer), the curve cut remains at the same height, but takes on a more slender look to the slope.
Grain will run horizontal on valances. And all valances will come with 4 SQUARE edges. If you would like one of the other 5 edge choices for the bottom edge of the valance, you can request that. But by default all 4 edges are square. The right, left, and top edge will always be square regardless. Normally, you are butting those against other woodwork or the top edge free floats in the room.
Order a valance similar to a drawer front, state the overall width, and the height to the sixteenth of an inch. Most of the time a valance is 4 to 5" tall, but you can request it in the height you would like. Min. height is 4". Length can be quite long, but most of the time it would only be spanning a 3 to 5 foot wide window.
Valances can also be used as a decorative top for china hutches and wardrobe closets too.

A cornice over windows in other rooms of your house is generally made from Crown Molding, or a simple box with a Valance front to it. There are various applications that you can use valances for. They are not just for kitchens. Sometimes they are used over the threshold of a doorway, or a hallway. You can be creative with them.
Brushy Creek Custom Doors web pages:
3D Laminate Pages: Brushy Creek Summary (info on how to order also) | Raised Panel Doors (inside radius corners) | Raised Panel Doors (square inside corners) | Raised Panel Doors (options to inside corners) | Slab Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts | Shaker Style Doors (sunken flat panel) | Door Design Styles (the look from the front) | 3D Laminate COLORS | Frame only and Mullion Doors | Fluted Fillers | Molding options | Wine Racks and Valances | 3D Laminate for Refacing | On-Line Quotation and Ordering Form | MINI on-line Thermal Foil Quotation and Order Form
Wood Cabinet Door Pages: Note about what is happening with wood cabinet doors
Common pages to Wood and 3D Laminate Doors: Face Frame and Frameless Cabinets explained | Hinge Boring info | Measuring Advice | Receiving your Doors and Warranty Info